Research group Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Heads of the Research Group:
- Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch (Secretary: Alev Erisöz-Reinke)
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch (Secretary: Bettina Müller-Herchen)
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele (Secretary: TBA)
Group members:
- Dr. Michel Alexis
- Lars Becker
- Dr. Jan Bohr
- Dr. Dimitri Cobb
- Dr. Kornelia Hera
- Fred Lin
- Dr. Ruoyuan Liu
- Shao Liu
- Lorenzo Pompili
- Dr. Rajula Srivastava
- Dr. Koen van den Dungen
Former group members
Below a list of teaching events sorted by semester. The Analysis and PDE group offers every semester Fridays 2ct-4 a seminar S5B1 covering topics in Harmonic Analysis and PDE. Interested students are welcome to attend the talks without registration. Students who have attended some of the talks may register the following semester for credit, they will then have to keep coming to the talks and themselves give a presentation.Teaching summer term 25:
- S2B1 - Hauptseminar Funktionalanalysis, Weiterführende Themen zur Analysis I,II,III Instructors: Dr. Michel Alexis, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- V4B5 - Real and Harmonic Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- V5B1 - Advanced Topics in Analysis and PDEs - Transport Equations and Fluid Dynamics Instructor: Dr. Dimitri Cobb
- V5B2 - Selected Topics in Analysis and PDEs - Microlocal Analysis Instructor: Dr. Jan Bohr
- V5B2 - Selected Topics in Analysis and PDEs - Dispersive PDEs: deterministic and probabilistic perspectives Instructor: Dr. Ruoyuan Liu
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Lars Becker
Teaching winter term 24/25:
- S4B1 - Graduate Seminar in Analysis - KAM and Nash-Moser Instructors: Dr. Jan Bohr, Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
- S4B2 - Graduate Seminar in Analysis and PDEs - Topics in incompressible Fluid Dynamics Instructor: Dr. Dimitri Cobb
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Dr. Ruoyuan Liu, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
Teaching summer term 2024:
- S4B1 - Graduate Seminar on Analysis - Polynomial Methods Instructor: Dr. Rajula Srivastava
- V5B2 - Selected Topics in Analysis and PDE - Geometric Inverse Problems Instructor: Dr. Jan Bohr
- V5B8 - Selected Topics in Analysis - Topics in Euclidean Harmonic Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Dr. Michel Alexis, Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Valentina Ciccone
Teaching winter term 2023/24:
- S2B1 - Hauptseminar Funktionalanalysis- Fouriersche Analysis Instructors: Dr. Rajula Srivastava, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S4B1 - Analysis of multiple ergodic averages Instructors: Prof. Dr. Asgar Jamneshan, Dr. Rajula Srivastava, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Dr. Rajula Srivastava, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- V5B4 - Introduction to Mathematical Hydrodynamics Instructors: Dr. Dimitri Cobb
Teaching summer term 2023:
- V5B8 - Selected Topics in Analysis- Topics in Euclidean Harmonic Analysis Instructors: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S4B1 - Graduate Seminar in Analysis - The Calderón Problem Instructors: Dr. Jan Bohr, Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Lorenzo Pompili, Dr. Rajula Srivastava, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- Reading group on Analysis and PDE
Teaching winter term 2022/2023:
- V5B1 - Advanced Topics in Analysis - Integrable systems and nonlinear Fourier transforms Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
- S4B2 - Summer School 2022 - Nodal Domains and Landscape Functions, Kopp 02.-07.10.2022 Instructors: Dr. Olli Saari, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Dr. Olli Saari, Dr. Rajula Srivastava, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
Teaching summer term 2022:
- V4B5 - Real and Harmonic Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
- V5B3 - Advanced Topics in PDE and Mathematical Models Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
- V5B8 - Selected Topics in Analysis - The vector field method and quasilinear wave equations Instructor: Dr. Dongxiao Yu
- S1G1 - Seminar - Fouriersche Analysis Instructors: Dr. Olli Saari, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
Teaching winter term 2021/2022:
- S2B1 - Hauptseminar Funktionalanalysis - Fourier multipliers and pseudodifferential operators Instructor: Jonas Jansen, Olli Saari
- V5B8 - Selected Topics in Analysis - Sobolev functions on rough domains Instructor: Dr. Olli Saari
- V5B8 - Selected Topics in Analysis - Martingale inequalities Instructor: PD Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- S4B2 - Summer School 2021 - Brascamp-Lieb inequalities, Kopp 26.09-01.10.2021 Instructors: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, PD Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Gael Diebou
- S5B2 - Graduate Seminar on PDE in the Sciences - Evolution equations in fluid dynamics Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
Teaching summer term 2021:
- V2B3 - Einführung Komplexe Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Assistant: PD Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- V5B2 - Selected Topics in Analysis and PDE - Dispersive PDEs: deterministic and probabilistic perspectives Instructor: Dr. Leonardo Tolomeo
- V4B5 - Real and Harmonic Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Assistant: Dr. Felipe Gonçalves
- S4B1 - Graduate Seminar on Analysis - Analytic Approaches to the Riemann Hypothesis Instructors: Dr. Felipe Gonçalves, PD Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Marco Fraccaroli
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Paris-Nord / Zürich Dates: ...
Teaching winter term 2020/2021:
- V1G1 - Analysis 1 Instructor: PD Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich, Assistant: Dr. Koen van den Dungen
- S2B1 - Hauptseminar Funktionalanalysis - Geometrische und konvexe Analysis Instructor: PD Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- V4B1 - Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations I Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
- V5B1 - Advanced Topics in Analysis and PDE - Harmonic Measure Instructor: Dr. Olli Saari
- V5B7 - Selected Topics in Analysis - Introduction to Banach-valued analysis Instructors: Dr. Alex Amenta, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- V5B7 - Selected Topics in Analysis - Hilbert Spaces of Entire Functions Instructors: Dr. Felipe Gonçalves
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Dr. Leonardo Tolomeo
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Paris-Nord / Zürich Dates: ...
Teaching summer term 2020:
- V2B3 - Einführung in die Komplexe Analysis Instructor: PD Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich, Assistant: Olli Saari
- V3B2 - PDG and Modeling Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Dr. Franz Gmeineder
- V4B5 - Real and Harmonic Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Assistant: Olli Saari
- V5B7 - Advanced Topics in Analysis - The Collatz Conjecture Instructor: Dr. Felipe Gonçalves
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Dr. Lenka Slavíková
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Paris-Nord / Zürich Dates: 27.02.2020, 26.03.2020, 30.04.2020
Teaching winter term 2019/2020:
- V1G3 - Lineare Algebra I Instructors: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
- V1G3 - Lineare Algebra I, Exercises Instructor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
- S4B3 - Graduate Seminar on Global Analysis Instructors: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch, Dr. Batu Güneysu
- S4B3 Graduate Seminar on Global Analysis - KO-valued index theory Instructor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
- V3B1 - Functional Analysis and PDEs Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Dr. Franz Gmeineder
- V5B7 - Advanced Topics in Analysis - Geometric Fourier Analysis Instructor: Dr. Olli Saari
- S2B1 - Hauptseminar Funktionalanalysis - Fourieranalysis und Wavelets Instructor: Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- S4B2 - Summer school 2019 - Sphere Packings and Optimal Configurations , Kopp 29.09-04.10.2019 Instructors: Danylo Radchenko (MPIM), Henry Cohn (Microsoft Research/MIT), Felipe Gonçalves, Christoph Thiele
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Dr. Lenka Slavikova, João Pedro Ramos
- S4B1 - Graduate Seminar in Analytic Number Theory Instructors: Dr. Felipe Gonçalves
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Paris-Nord / Zürich Dates: 10.10.2019, 07.11.2019, 05.12.2019, 23.01.2020 / Info for the NEXT DATE
Teaching summer term 2019:
- V2B2 - Vorlesung Einfuehrung in die partiellen Differentialgleichungen Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Dr. Franz Gmeineder
- V4B5 - Real and Harmonic Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- V5B5 - Vorlesung Advanced Topics: Regularity for Elliptic Variational Problems Instructor: Dr. Franz Gmeineder
- V5B7 - Advanced Topics in Analysis - Decoupling Instructor: Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- V5B7 - Advanced Topics in Analysis - Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions Instructor: Dr. Felipe Gonçalves
- S2B2 - Hauptseminar Partielle Differentialgleichungen Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Lisa Onkes
- S1G1 - Fourier-Analysis Instructor: Dr. Olli Saari
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Dr. Alex Amenta, João Pedro Ramos
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Paris-Nord / Zürich Date and room will be announced here: NEXT
Teaching winter term 2018/2019:
- V5B2 - Selected Topics in Analysis and PDE - The well-posedness of hyperbolic PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch, Dr. Yafet Erasmo Sanchez Sanchez
- V5B7 - Advanced Topics in Analysis - Selected Topics from Global Analysis and Operator Algebras Instructor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
- S4B3 - Graduate Seminar on Global Analysis Instructors: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch, Koen van den Dungen
- Oberseminar Global Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
- V2B1/MB10 - Vorlesung Analysis 3 Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Dr. Franz Gmeineder
- S4B1 - Graduate Seminar on Analysis - Geometric aspects of Harmonic Analysis Instructor: Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- V5B7 - Advanced Topics in Analysis - Sobolev Spaces Instructor: Dr. Olli Saari
- V5B2 - Selected topics in Analysis and PDE - Geometric Optimal Control Instructor: Dr. Illia Karabash
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Dr. Felipe Gonçalves, Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Paris-Nord / Zürich Date and room will be announced here: NEXT
Former Teaching
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Opening Hausdorff Chair with deadline March 15, 2025
Angkana Rüland receives Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2025
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